Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System

OFPRS manages and administers retirement funds for active and retired firefighters. We are dedicated to serving our state’s paid and volunteer firefighters with responsibility, professionalism, and respect.


The Notice of Class Action Lawsuit were mailed out to all potential class members on October 31, 2024.

For full detail of the notice, click CLASS ACTION.


Essential Information from OFPRS

Below, you can access our Member Self-Service website, access helpful forms, find important dates or notices, and view OFPRS financial reports.

Reliable Support for Active and Retired Firefighters

Whether you are first starting your career or are several years into retirement, OFPRS can help you successfully plan for retirement and navigate your pension information.

Active Members

Retired Members

Helpful Information for Members and Beneficiaries

Pension Rules

Pension Rules and IRS Rulings

Plan B and Calculator

Plan B and Calculator

Current Handbook

Current Handbook

The cutoff date for December is December 18, 2023.
Any change request — Tax withholdings, direct deposit changes, deductions, and PLAN B requests must be submitted in our office by 4:30 pm on December 18, 2023. Any request received after this time will not be processed until January 2024.

Case Updates

Find the latest information on the Garrett case.

New State Doctor

Meet Dr. Isaac Ilaoa.

Legislation Changes

See legislation that affects you.

Current Year Reports

Actuary/Financial Statements

Request for Proposals (RFPs)